Introduction to Website Categorization API and our other API solutions

1. Website categorization API

Our Website Categorization API provides accurate site classification based on the trusted IAB Taxonomy. It can also return categories for a Website Filtering Taxonomy.

This API can be used to classify full-path URLs in real-time, or plain text. You can retrieve IAB Version 2 or 3 categories, Web Content Filtering categories or Google Shopping categories.

Supported Taxonomies:

The API also returns a list of user personas (from ~2000 proprietary personas) likely to be interested in the content.. We also provide additional APIs for other types of webpage analysis and AdTech use cases:

2. Webpage Quality API

While IAB classifications / block lists are some of the primary methods for enforcing brand safety, webpage quality can provide another way for advertisers to select the publishers content.

Our webpage quality evaluation API evaluates webpages across 16 metrics for positive and negative quality. Filtering by advertisers can be done individually, e.g. setting "would buy intent" at minimum 5 or setting "clickbait" at maximum 2. Or one can use average score computed by averaging desirables scores and (10-undesirable scores). Each score measures how much is given feature represented in the webpage (10 being maximum). See example screenshot (from our dashboard for URL of

2. Ad Quality API

For publishers, we offer API which evalues quality of ads, allowing them to focus on high quality ads or to filter out undesirable, low quality ads. Example of AI model evaluating high quality ad:

Example of AI model evaluating low quality ad, Note the high scores for clickbait-ness and "would not buy" intent. :

3. Brand Suitability API

Many times some content (e.g. article about drinking) that may not be appropriate for one advertiser (e.g. primary school) may be appropriate for another (e.g. whiskey brand). Example sceenshot from our dashboard- having gin brand next to cocktail themed article scores 10.

Having ice cream brand next to cocktail themed article scores 2:

4. Smart, Context Aware Ads API

We provide an API which can dynamically rewrite ads to be more relevant to the context. Smart ads are those that aware of the context next to which they are placed. And adjust the text of ad accordingly, while not deviating from original content (i.e. not hallucinating). Here is example of an ad for foldable chair which was originally written to focus on use in home garden, but was dynamically rewritten to adjust to the article about camping. The main idea here is to match the state of mind of the reader. As it is reading about camping and visualizing this, the three rewritten ads will more likely be interesting (and thus convert) when focusing on camping rather than home garden.

5. 50 Specialized APIs

We provide 50 specialized advanced APIs for specific use cases. They are listed at end this page, please click here to scroll to specialized APIs.


Send your API requests to:

You must have a valid API key, available by purchasing a subscription. After obtaining your plan, log in to retrieve the key.

The API key should be included in all requests as a parameter, for example:

api_key: b4dade2ce5fb2d0b189b5eb6f0cd

Successful requests return 200. Results are in JSON by default.

Rules and Limits

The API response includes both total_credits and remaining_credits. Monitor your remaining credits. If you run out, you can purchase more or upgrade your plan.

Website Categorization of URLs

The API can classify URLs according to the following major taxonomies:

  • IAB (v3) returned under iab_taxonomy
  • IAB (v2) returned under iab_taxonomy_version2
  • Web Filtering returned under filtering_taxonomy

Example request (Curl POST):


curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
     -d '' \


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
query string The URL or text to be categorized.
api_key string Your API key.
data_type string “url” or “text”.
An example JSON response structure:

  "iab_taxonomy": [
    ["Category name: Technology & Computing > Artificial Intelligence", "Confidence: 0.6873087"],
    ["Category name: Technology & Computing > Computing > Internet", "Confidence: 0.3494271"],
  "iab_taxonomy_version2": [
    ["Category name: Technology & Computing > Artificial Intelligence", "Confidence: 0.6873087"],
  "filtering_taxonomy": [
    ["Category name: Computers & Technology", "Confidence: 0.6873087"],
  "classification": [...],
  "category": [...],
  "status": 200,
  "total_credits": 770000,
  "remaining_credits": 768556


Example Code

Below are minimal code examples for our API in various languages.

Example Code in Python


import http.client

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
payload = ''
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

conn.request("POST", "/api/iab/iab_web_content_filtering.php", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =


Example Code in JavaScript


var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

var urlencoded = new URLSearchParams();
urlencoded.append("query", "");
urlencoded.append("api_key", "your_api_key");
urlencoded.append("data_type", "url");

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: urlencoded,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));


Example Code in Ruby


require 'net/http'
require 'uri'

uri = URI("")
request =
request["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

payload = ""
request.body = payload

response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true) do |http|

puts response.body


Example Code in PHP


$apiKey = "your_api_key";
$query = "";
$dataType = "url";

$url = "";

$postData = http_build_query([
  'query' => $query,
  'api_key' => $apiKey,
  'data_type' => $dataType

$options = [
  "http" => [
    "header"  => "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
    "method"  => "POST",
    "content" => $postData,

$context  = stream_context_create($options);
$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);

echo $response;


Example Code in C#


using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        var apiKey = "your_api_key";
        var query = "";
        var dataType = "url";

        var url = "";

        using var client = new HttpClient();
        var data = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new Dictionary
            { "query", query },
            { "api_key", apiKey },
            { "data_type", dataType }

        var response = await client.PostAsync(url, data);
        var result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();


Website Categorization of Texts

To categorize plain text instead of a URL, set data_type=text and call: /api/iab/iab_content_filtering.php.


Each response includes a status value. For example: {"classification": "...", "status": 200, ...}

Possible error codes:

Error Code Meaning
200 Request was successful.
400 Error forming request. Check parameters.
401 Invalid API key. Purchase or check for typos.
403 Monthly quota used up. Upgrade or buy more credits.
407 Missing data_type. Must be “url” or “text”.
410 Insufficient tokens in content / URL could not be loaded.
411 URL content could not be fetched.
500 General error. Check request or contact support.

Specialized APIs

We also provide advanced APIs for these use cases (for more information on set up please contact us to our email at

1. Sentiment Analysis API

Analyzes text or entire webpages to determine whether the sentiment is positive, negative, or neutral. Useful for gauging user reactions or aligning brand messages with positive contexts.

2. Keyword & Entity Extraction API

Automatically identifies key terms and named entities (people, places, organizations) from webpages or ad copy to help with SEO, content tagging, or more effective ad targeting.

3. Content Summarization API

Generates concise summaries of articles or webpages. Helpful for quickly vetting content quality or providing snippet previews for advertisers and publishers.

4. Topic Modeling API

Clusters documents based on underlying themes or topics. Useful for categorizing large volumes of content into more refined groupings than broad IAB categories alone.

5. Contextual Keyword Suggestion API

Suggests the most relevant keywords based on webpage context. This is valuable for matching ads or promotional content to user’s immediate interests.

6. Language Detection & Translation API

Identifies the language of a webpage or ad content and provides instant translations. This helps international advertisers reach a global audience more effectively.

7. User Persona Prediction API

Goes beyond simple demographics to predict psychographic traits (e.g., lifestyle interests, buying behaviors). Great for deeper personalization in ads or content.

8. Audience Segmentation API

Groups website visitors based on behaviors or interests. Useful for tailoring ad placements or content strategies to specific audience segments.

9. User Feedback Analysis API

Analyzes user comments, reviews, or feedback forms to uncover sentiment trends, satisfaction levels, or recurring complaints about a brand or product.

10. Competitor Content Analysis API

Monitors competitor websites for new content or promotions and classifies them by relevance and quality. Helps advertisers and publishers stay competitive.

11. Clickbait Detection API

Scores headlines or ad copy for “clickbait-ness,” helping publishers filter out sensational or misleading content, ensuring quality standards.

12. Fake News Detection API

Evaluates the credibility of content sources by analyzing linguistic patterns, cross-referencing known fact-checkers, and measuring other quality signals.

13. Trend Prediction API

Uses historical data and real-time signals to forecast trending topics or products. Ideal for adapting ad campaigns or editorial content on the fly.

14. Social Media Listening API

Aggregates and analyzes public social media posts around certain URLs or brand mentions, providing insights into user discussions or brand reputation.

15. Personalized Content Recommendation API

Recommends articles or products to users based on prior reading/browsing history. Enhances user engagement on publisher sites and increases conversion rates for advertisers.

16. Ad Fraud Detection API

Identifies suspicious ad traffic and bot-generated clicks in real time. Protects advertisers from wasteful spending and preserves publisher credibility.

17. Accessibility Compliance API

Scans web pages for compliance with accessibility standards (e.g., WCAG). Ensures publishers meet legal and ethical requirements for inclusivity.

18. Multimedia Content Classification API

Classifies images, videos, and audio content in addition to text. Allows for a holistic view of brand safety and content appropriateness on a webpage.

19. Emotional Tone Analysis API

Detects deeper emotional cues (joy, anger, sadness, fear) in text. Helps brands align their ads with more suitable emotional contexts.

20. SEO Health & Score API

Evaluates on-page SEO factors—metadata, keyword density, page load speed, and more—to help publishers optimize for higher organic ranking.

21. Plagiarism & Duplicate Content API

Checks articles or pages against an extensive database to flag duplicate or plagiarized content. Helps maintain editorial integrity and brand safety.

22. Competitor Pricing Monitoring API

Constantly checks competitor product listings or e-commerce sites to detect price changes. Useful for dynamic pricing in ad offers or recommended product lists.

23. Geolocation & Cultural Relevance API

Analyzes content to ensure cultural or geographic relevance (e.g., local regulations, language nuances). Critical for global or region-specific ad campaigns.

24. Conversion Probability API

Uses machine learning to score how likely a user is to convert on an ad or offer based on context, content, and user behavior patterns.

25. A/B Testing & Optimization API

Automates the serving of different ad variations or web layouts and determines which variant is most effective. Speeds up optimization for publishers and advertisers.

26. Topic Sentiment Over Time API

Tracks how public sentiment about a topic evolves over days, weeks, or months. Ideal for brand reputation management and trending content alignment.

27. Interest-Based Lookalike Audience API

Finds users who exhibit similar behavior or interest patterns to an existing high-value audience segment. Boosts ad campaign performance by targeting the right users.

28. Engagement Prediction API

Scores how likely a piece of content (headline, article, ad) is to generate comments, likes, or shares. Assists in editorial planning and ad copy creation.

29. Speech-to-Text Analysis API

Converts audio (podcasts, radio ads) into text and then applies sentiment or classification models, broadening brand safety checks to audio content.

30. Narrative Tone Shift Detection API

Detects changes in tone throughout a long-form article or transcript. Useful to see if the content transitions from neutral to controversial sections mid-article.

31. Children’s Content Compliance API

Evaluates content compliance with regulations such as COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act). Essential for child-safe advertising spaces.

32. Live Content Moderation API

Monitors and filters user-generated content (comments, forum posts) in real time based on brand safety guidelines, profanity filters, or harassment metrics.

33. In-image Ad Contextualization API

Analyzes the content of an image (e.g., a product photo) to determine the best text or ad overlay. Ensures ads align with the visual theme and avoid mismatched contexts.

34. Customer Journey Mapping API

Tracks and analyzes how users navigate through multiple pages, identifying drop-off points or high-value user flows for better funnel optimization.

35. E-commerce Product Categorization API

Classifies product listings into hierarchical taxonomies (beyond Google or Shopify) for niche e-commerce verticals. Ensures accurate categorization for search and discovery.

36. Web Page Layout & UX Scoring API

Scores the usability of a webpage’s design and layout, factoring in navigation clarity, ad placement intrusiveness, and user experience metrics.

37. Ad Creative Generation API

Suggests variations of ad creatives (text, image prompts) based on product details and target audience insights. Speeds up creative testing cycles.

38. Viewability Detection API

Detects if an ad placement is actually seen by the user (e.g., above the fold vs. scrolled out of view). Supports dynamic bidding and viewability metrics.

39. Microcopy & UX Writing API

Generates or refines short text prompts in websites or apps (buttons, form instructions) for improved clarity and user flow.

Analyzes the trustworthiness and domain authority of external links on a page to ensure brand safety and limit association with dubious websites.

41. Regulatory Compliance API

Identifies region-specific compliance issues (e.g., GDPR for EU, CCPA for California) based on website data handling practices or ad targeting parameters.

42. Authorship & Credibility Scoring API

Checks an author’s historical content, social footprint, and credibility signals to assess reliability. Helps brand-safety teams and publishers vet guest contributors.

43. Dynamic Retargeting API

Reassesses user interest based on new webpage context or interactions, adjusting retargeting campaigns to reflect fresh intent signals.

44. Psycholinguistic Profiling API

Analyzes language use to infer deeper personality or psychological traits—useful for advanced audience segmentation.

45. Omnichannel Consistency API

Ensures consistent messaging across multiple channels (web, mobile, app, email). Tracks brand voice and compliance from a centralized endpoint.

46. Influencer Quality Analysis API

Evaluates social media influencers’ content for authenticity, engagement quality, audience demographics, and brand safety compliance.

Classifies all outbound links on a webpage (beyond primary content) to identify if they lead to brand-safe, malicious, or competitor websites.

48. Image/Video Brand Logo Detection API

Detects brand logos within images or video frames on a webpage. Helps advertisers confirm brand visibility or ensures no conflicting brand placements.

49. User Intent & Micro-Moment API

Identifies when users show “micro-moments” of high purchase or conversion intent based on real-time context signals (time on site, dwell depth, scrolling, etc.).

50. Adaptive Content Personalization API

Continuously tests and updates webpage content based on user behavior signals, making real-time, AI-driven adjustments (images, headlines, calls-to-action) to improve engagement and conversions.

Each of these APIs can stand on its own or integrate with your existing technology stack, offering extended functionalities to advertisers, publishers, and content creators. By combining multiple APIs, you can build a robust ecosystem that covers all aspects of brand safety, content relevance, and user engagement.